The guitar is an instrument that allows a lot of freedom of expression. This is excellent because it provides the player with many options for handling that are not available with other instruments.
For example, the piano is a versatile instrument, but it can only be played in a single position, and the player cannot move the instrument around. Guitar players have move flexibility about the position in which they play the instrument.
However, there are also downsides for so much flexibility. One problem is that it is sometimes difficult to achieve the exact precision of movements necessary to control the guitar as you might want. This is the kind of coordination that can only be developed after a long period of training.
Music instructors have long provided a set of exercises for achieving optimal control of the guitar. You can also use some of the following tips to increase guitar control:
1. Start with simple pieces
The best way to achieve mastery is to start with simple pieces, and play them with dedication.Don’t play any song without proper care for the details and interpretation.
After all, even simple songs can provide you with a wealth of practice opportunities.
For example, make sure that you’re playing each note distinctly and with clear sound and articulation. Also work on the quality of your presentation. These are all abilities that will later help you with more complex music pieces.
2. Learn to feel the instrument
More than in other common activities, playing the guitar requires a lot of coordination that can only be developed when you acquire a feeling for the instrument.
This kind of mastering is not achieved in a few days, however. You need to acquire this coordination little by little, until you feel confident about the guitar.
One of the skills of master guitar players is the ability to feel the instrument, and translate this into music.
3. Practice at slow speeds
Another trick to improve your control ability is to start aways with low speeds. By doing this you train yourself to pay attention to details. This is a necessary skill if you want to master every detail of your guitar playing.
Many people try to playing guitar fast from the begging, since this seems to be their immediate goal for a lot of beginners.
However, starting with a fast speed will in fact make it more difficult to learn the basics of the instrument. That is true because you will in a sense get used to a low quality sound. Playing slow at first will help you to get the basics right, and when you speed up, then you’ll be playing with proper technique.
4. Practice difficult pieces
Once you get good at the basics, it is time to start practicing some more complex music. You should start taking on more difficult songs that you can use as a vehicle for studying the instrument.
Even if you don’t want to become a virtuoso, there certainly are some advantages in playing harder pieces for practice. You can learn a lot with this kind of exercise: try to do this regularly.
5. Continue with daily practice
Daily, continuous, and deliberate practice is the secret to become a great guitar player. The goal is to get some new practice or exercise every day, so that you get used to playing well and with good technique.
Remember that it is not possible to acquire high guitar control without a daily practice with the instrument. You need to start having regular practice, and get used to it.
Remember: there are no shortcuts for achieving mastery. Truly great guitar players practice the whole day and consider such dedication to be fun! You need to learn to live with the guitar, and she will repay you with increased musical abilities.
To get more out of your guitar studies, or if you want to get started with the guitar, I prepared a free, 60 page PDF file that contains all you need to know about playing the guitar. Just request the PDF and I’ll send it by email.