
Jamming over Rock Chords

Jamming over rock chords is a great exercise that you can use to improve your guitar skills. To achieve speed in your execution, it is always good to start from a slow tempo. Doing this, you help you in a few ways: First, you’ll learn how to play over with… Read More »Jamming over Rock Chords


Circle of Fifths for Guitar

The circle of fifths is a musical tool that has been used by musicians throughout time learn music relationships. You’ll learn here about the circle of fifths for guitar. Guitar players can use the circle of fifths to better understand music theory topics that would otherwise seem complicated. In this… Read More »Circle of Fifths for Guitar


Secrets of the CAGED System

If you play the guitar, you need to get used to the CAGED system of guitar soloing. It is the easiest way to play the guitar. Guitar players all over the world want to improve their solo skills. This is an important ability, because learning to solo will make you… Read More »Secrets of the CAGED System