Playing Blues Solos Like BB King

Playing Blues Solos Like BB King: in this article, we learn how to create blues solos in the style of that great blues player. Most people start soloing over a blues using the minor pentatonic scale over the entire progression. That scale gets us up and running quickly. But at… Read More »Playing Blues Solos Like BB King

G/F Guitar Chord

G/F guitar chord: this is the G major guitar chord with bass in F. In this article we explore this chord and show how it can be used. The G Chord The G chord is composed of three note: G, B, and D. This is a triad of notes, which… Read More »G/F Guitar Chord


Best Fender Acoustic Guitar Models

In this article we’ll review the best Fender acoustic guitar models available in the market, and how they compare. Fender is known to build quality acoustic and electric guitars. Here I will talk about a few models that represent the quality products they create and sell. Fender Squier Dreadnought Acoustic… Read More »Best Fender Acoustic Guitar Models


The Secrets of Drop D Tuning

Among all alternative guitar tunings, the drop-D tuning is the most popular. It offers a lot of opportunities for guitar players. The standard tuning for the guitar is the well known E-based tuning. It follows mostly a sequence of forths between the strings, resulting in the following sequence (from higher… Read More »The Secrets of Drop D Tuning