
Major Scale for Guitar

The Major scale is a musical scale widely used in western music. In this article we learn about the major scale guitar. The first thing to know is that the major scale is the basis for music development in the western culture for at least the last 500 years. The… Read More »Major Scale for Guitar


Best Way to Learn Guitar: 4 Tips

Playing the guitar is one of the most desirable skills among people of all ages. There is such a large number of people that would like to have the experience of playing an instrument, and guitar is arguably the most popular musical instrument. We explore the best way to learn… Read More »Best Way to Learn Guitar: 4 Tips

Archtop Guitar

8 Best Types of Guitars

Guitars come in several models. In this article we consider the different types of guitars that we can find in the market. 1. Classical Guitar The classical guitar is the granddaddy of modern guitars. It is the famous guitar that was developed in Spain in the 19th century, and from… Read More »8 Best Types of Guitars