The F#m Guitar Chord Analyzed

The F#m chord is the symbol used for the F#m minor chord on the guitar. In this article, we explore the F#m guitar chord. This is a thee note diatonic chord, also known as triad, which is formed directly from the harmonic field of the F# minor key or A major… Read More »The F#m Guitar Chord Analyzed

Yamaha F335 Acoustic Guitar

Yamaha is a Japanese company that creates high quality acoustic guitars, as well as other instruments. Among these instruments, is the Yamaha F335 acoustic guitar, which we explore in this article. The F335 has great sound, it is easy to play, and has a beautiful look. Main Features of the… Read More »Yamaha F335 Acoustic Guitar

Barre Chord A

The barre chord A is a very common chord that appears in lots of guitar songs. We’ll learn about this guitar chord. What is the Barre Chord A? A bar guitar chord is a chord created when one presses more than one string with the index finger. This technique is… Read More »Barre Chord A


Playing Barre Chords

This article will show you tips for playing barre guitar chords. You will learn the basic strategies and some useful tips for improvement. The Basic Technique to Play Barre Chords (also known as bar chords) involves using the index finger to press from two up to six strings. This creates… Read More »Playing Barre Chords

Fender Dreadnought

Classical vs Acoustic Guitar

This article will present the pros and cons of the classical vs acoustic guitar, so you can decide which instrument is better for you. Similarities First, let’s talk about the similarities between classical and acoustic guitars. The main similarity is that these are fundamental the same instrument: they are six-string… Read More »Classical vs Acoustic Guitar


How to Play Guitar Tabs

Guitar tabs are a quick way to learn the notes played in a guitar. In this article, you will learn how to play guitar tabs. While not providing the same information as traditional sheet music, guitar tabs are popular because they show directly how to play the notes in the… Read More »How to Play Guitar Tabs